Experiencing Life the Sitka way

It was rainy the first part of the week (no surprise) but the last 3 days have been full of sunshine. The key word here is “SUN” which isn’t here often but when it appears it is absolutely breathtaking. It glistens on the water like diamonds. Normal here though is rain and lots of it.   And, because it is so wet, moss grows on everything and the ground is swampy in many areas.  However, oddly enough, I thoroughly enjoy the rain here.  Makes me wonder if it rains in heaven???  Sorry – random thoughts out of nowhere!

Last night I pondered the why of special places we find in our travels that really speak to our hearts. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to them but when you arrive it is an immediate awareness that you have found something special. Sitka is that place for me. It’s not just a feeling of welcome, it is a feeling of peace and contentment. There is a safety here that allows me to reflect about my life and experiences. I can reach deep within my heart to places I rarely go and make peace with those times that were cumbersome or painful along the journey of life. It is also easier to see and celebrate those wonderful times throughout the journey.  I hope everyone can find that special place for them. I firmly believe it has little to do with the city of Sitka and everything to do with the combination of who you are personally and what speaks to you. It might be a special place in your own backyard. Wherever it is, use it. Let the peace and safety of that spot wash over you as you ponder your life journey and the highs and lows along your way.

Work at the Visitor Center this week has been focused on getting ready for the busy season which will begin the first of May. We are cleaning and organzing. Those of you who know me know that I take great pride in clearing out someone else’s clutter and organizing their “stuff”. So much so that I worked my days off to tackle a catch all room that seriously needed attention. It was both fun and rewarding.

I also took time this week to get to know my “roomies”. The “white house” is shared with a temporary Law Enforcement officer, Sean Brinnen, and a temporary administrative officer, Martha Stebbins. In addition, we had a temporary resource person here to work with the curator, Barbara Cumberland, for one week. We went out to dinner a couple times and watched movies too. It’s been most enjoyable and I’ve added three new acquaintenances that I’m sure I will remain in touch with as time goes on.

Martha Stebbins, Interim Admin Assistant Officer
Barbara Cumberland from Harpers Ferry with Kelsey Lutz, Curator.
Sean Brinnen, Interim Law Enforcement Officer from Rhode Island







This is my last week of “prep work” before the actual summer training begins on April 17. We will have two weeks of training and, at the end, I should be able to give tours of the Russian Bishop House. Interpretive tours will be a new world for me and frankly, I’m a little nervous. I will give it my all and with some good thoughts from all of you I will pass the training requirements.

Oh, by the way. One thing I knew but was reminded of this week was how important those little extended kindnesses are to others. For me this week it has been the kindnesses of Ranger Ryan, Ranger Anne and Safety Officer Mike that stood out. When someone goes out of their way to be helpful it is their hearts that you see and some people are so pure in their offering that their whole being opens up and you feel you see right into their heart. That’s true of these folks and I thank them for being there for me.  I’m encouraged to remember to deliver personally on these kindnesses to others as well.  These are the tiny gestures that mean so much to others.

I attended my Sitka Church home last Sunday.  It was as I remember, quiet, personal and deeply spiritual to me.  The beauty of this church with its rich woods and small sanctuary combined with the peace of the surrounding water speaks to me in ways I have never known.  Rev. Julie was traveling today but Rev. Deacon Kathy and Nancy Jo delivered Morning Prayer. I was not able to attend Palm Sunday services yesterday but many events are scheduled for holy week and I’m looking forward to Easter services next Sunday.

Hope all is well in your part of the world. I love hearing from you so, if you have time, drop me an email and make my day.

Happy and Joyous Easter to each of you!
